Sunday, January 26, 2003

Whatever happened to all the Quarter Pounders in Hong Kong? Every single McDonald's I've been to doesn't carry them on the menu anymore. So what's up with that? Not enough synthetic beef to make 0.25 lbs?

While I'm at it: why doesn't KFC serve gravy with their chicken? Chicken goes with gravy; it's a lop-sided world otherwise. Besides, gravy is unhealthy, oily, fatty and tastes great; would fit right in with other chinese food.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

This is as weird as it gets. Two people just fell off a plane while it was flying over Shanghai. According to the
news article, the two people apparently crawled out of the luggage compartment and landed on a house. Ouch. I wonder if that hurt more than having a house fall on you.

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Ooops... I did it again. With apologies to Brittney's pears (however augmented they may be [sorry, inside joke])...

I trashed my 2nd Treo 270 last week. Dropped it while trying to avoid getting run down by a cab. Well, at least that wasn't as disgusting as the 1st Treo misadventure, wherein I dropped it in a not so empty toilet. I will spare everyone the details.

The nice thing about warrantees in Hong Kong is that they actually, er... warrant. My Treo's LCD was broken into 2 pieces. Actually, it looked a bit nice seeing psychedelic colors on the screen. No problem for the distributor though. The guy in the service center just took a look at it and replaced it with a new one-- took less time than commuting there. So now I have a brand new unit, free from all the scratches my old one got from co-habitating with all the coins and keys in my pocket.

So there's a lesson to be learned-- if you want a new phone/PDA/whatever, break the old one.